Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (Deutschland)


Sales and service background of company ALFIMEX s.r.o. arouse in the middle of 2004. The development till today was accompanied by many changes.

The foundations of activities of professional and special extensions of utility cars were laid ten years ago in 1994 when company DRUM International Ltd. began to sell compressor technology to trucks of cement cistern containers in the Czech Republic via its representation - organizational component.

At that time a team of sales and service workers was established which went through training and practice of factory workers of compressor and pumping technology DRUM.

After several years of activity and good sales results we got confidence and promoted to the highest structure of sales representation of joint-stock group SYLTONE.

Here the possibilities of sale ad service got wider concerning new products such as WEBSTER, Emco Wheaton, Perolo, AirDrives, SAM system etc.

In 2001 organizational and economic changes in business structure of SYLTONE arouse which meant departure of many employees - even the whole team of some European branches.

The whole sales and service department went over to employment relationship of company Alfons Haar Hamburg because this company was the closest to the work and product range of the previous business representation.

Sales and service department HAAR CZ s.r.o. carried out necessary service of installations and all older marks compressors for their clients as a moral business commitment of the past and at the same time new products were sold - products in the form of BEZARES hydraulics and compressor line Cmax, Vmax and Emax.

Because of production expanding in Haar CZ ( casts, machine products and other liquid systems ) in 2004 occured a split to original direct business representation and an independent centre of compressor and hydraulic technology.

Sales, administrative and service parts of employees of compressor and hydraulic technologies moved to a new service place and under the name of company ALFIMEX s.r.o. continue as an independent dealer in sales and services of both new compressors Alfons Haar and older ones DRUM.

Company ALFIMEX also offers repairs and modifications of utility cars, containers and their extensions. ALFIMEX offers welding of aluminium and stainless steel, all systems of hydraulic tilting, walking floors of semitrailers, tilting of silo-tanks and compressed air cooling.

ALFIMEX, together with carried out service, also offers sale of pipe fittings, couplings, valves, material and compressor hoses and sealing in the whole range of wide choice. ALFIMEX provides sales, service support and mobile service for the Czech Republic and Slovakia..

Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)Deutsch (Deutschland)